
Subluxation in a Horse Hock

 As the title indicates, the last 2 and a half months have been pretty damn eventful when it comes to Winnie! I am going to start from the beginning and give you guys a full update on what is currently going on! It started when we first arrived at our new yard! We noticed that Winnie was a bit stiff on her back end in the school and assumed this was a combination of being unfit and off balance. She'd had so much time off and we'd thrown her back into a gruelling timetable so it was probably too much. But after a few weeks she wasn't really improving. And then one day I took her down to the school and she started prancing around like an idiot. So me being the scaredy cat I am decided just to lunge. All was going well and then suddenly she bucked, did it again and sprinted forward and suddenly was super hobbly. She looked totally crippled and I had a major panic. We took her back out to the field and called the vet.  (Please note our vet asked for an update before coming out

A Great Ride... Then A Crap One

Saturday 18th of July I did something I cannot remember ever doing before... I had my first ever solo ride on Winnie! I went up to her field nice and early and she was still laying down asleep. I caught her easily and bought her down to the yard. I tacked her up and took her in the school. She was a little on edge but we did walk and trot with some transitions and things, then I lent down and open the gate on her (for the first time) and together we went for a little walk up past the fields and back.  It was really nice. I made sure I spoke to other people that were also up early so that people knew I was around and what I was doing. If something went wrong I wanted the security of knowing people knew where I was.  It's the first time I've ever taken Winn out for a little walk on my own and I now understand why people like going on solo hacks. There's something really lovely about it just being you and your horse. It's an excellent bonding exercise I think. Just the two

Riding Somewhere New

This is a short snippet of what happened on the Friday 17th July 2020! Another session was had with J and we did something different. Instead of going into the school or out on a hack as I had been expecting we went out and rode in the field that has lots of jumps and cross country set up in it. J got on first and rode Winnie round as I watched. I was really nervous because I'd never ridden in a field like this before.  But after J took the edge off of Winnie for me, I got on. It was different riding in the field. I could definitely feel Winn was finding it harder where the field was on a slight incline. She had the work hard to keep trotting uphill and I felt good knowing that I was helping her get fitter. Although I'm not sure who was more tired afterwards, Winnie or me.   But it was fun and I definitely enjoyed it. Hopefully, after a few more times doing the same thing Winnie's butt will start getting stronger! Katy xx

I Had A Wobble

My last post was very upbeat and positive. I also cut it off on Monday. What I didn't tell you was that actually on Wednesday 15th I had another confidence wobble. It started really well. Just me and my sister at the yard. We wandered up to get Winn and bought her down to get tacked up. She stood there very nicely, except breathing out so I couldn't get the girth up! But when we got into the school she became very on her toes.  Sue got on her first but Winn just wouldn't settle. She wouldn't travel forward, was very aware of the wind and kept shaking her head around. I was waiting for Winn to do something major but she didn't. Sue worked her for a while, then came over and said I could get on now.  I immediately tensed up. I was convinced that Winnie was going to tank off with me, I was going to fall, she was going to spin and I was going to come off the side. I always have this thought that if she hasn't worked off her energy before I get on, she's going to

A New Adventure and The Craziest Week

I have always been a nervous rider. I had my confidence knocked by an instructor when I was younger and that meant I had to slowly rebuild it. Just as I was starting to get better I then had another knock, and then another. It's meant that even though I've had lessons, they've barely gone on for 3 months before I've had to go back to basics.  Last year I finally found an instructor that I really got on with. She's super patient with me, doesn't push me to do more than I am happy with and I've steadily grown in confidence to the point that I was happy to get on and ride for short lessons! And then... Corona. We went into lock down and suddenly we weren't allowed to ride, or work and I steadily lost my confidence again the longer I didn't ride. Then we moved stable yards... Tuesday 7th July: We arrived with the horses to the new stables! We got them settled in their field with all their lush new grass. Winnie had her dinner as usual including a nice bi